To represent the common interests of the Seed Company members, Seed Support members and State Seed Associations in the Western U.S., Canada and Mexico.
To educate and communicate to members legislative and regulatory issues affecting the seed industry and to take action when required to protect the interests of the seed industry.
To provide educational, networking and recreational opportunities to all parties interested in the seed industry at the PSA Annual Convention and at other PSA functions.
Pacific Seed Association State and Regional Websites
New Mexico

The Pacific Seed Association is a western regional, non-profit organization of recognized individuals, firms, and corporations actively connected with the seed industry and its allied branches. PSA is composed of members located in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Mexico, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Since its origin in 1926, PSA has been dedicated to the development of unity among its members in a cooperative effort to perfect a high standard of business integrity and to disseminate industry news and information of general interest to its members.
The objectives of this Association is: The development of friendly relations and intimacies among the members through all standard organizational events and activities; the cultivation of firmer business unity in which all can stand together in the effort to improve and perfect a standard of business integrity, which shall include purity of stocks, honesty of representation, carefulness of obligations, and promptness in execution; and the discussion of all subjects of interest to, or belonging to the Seed Trade.
To abide by the laws of the land and in particular to the laws regulating the sale of seeds.
The dedication of technical and practical knowledge and service of the Association and of its members to the improvement of agriculture and horticulture.
Why Join
PSA continues to represent the common interests of seed company members, seed support members and state seed associations in the Western U.S., Canada and Mexico. Together we educate and communicate legislative and regulatory issues affecting the seed industry and take action when required to protect the interests of the seed industry. PSA helps to build relationships within the industry and also helps in solving problems which may affect many more than one business in the industry. Many members have a lot of the same problems and being a member gives you access to experts in the field, as well as a larger pool of resources to help solve a problem. PSA participates in numerous agricultural coalitions that are heavily involved in issues of interest and concern and in ensuring that programs important to agriculture are maintained and adequately funded.
The ongoing support from memberships guarantees that PSA will continue to help the industry navigate the many challenges facing agriculture. The past number of years have been those of dynamic changes and have been active for the Association. The board of directors, members and staff continue to address the major issues affecting our membership. The PSA Annual Convention provides educational, networking and recreational opportunities to all parties interested in the seed industry. Our Annual Convention provides the perfect venue for education and networking opportunities with fellow PSA members.
Baglietto Seeds
Bailey Seed & Grain
Barenbrug USA
Barkley Seed, Inc.
Bayer CropScience
Bejo Seeds, Inc.
Berger International LLC
Blue Mt. Seeds, Inc.
California Crop Improvement Assn
Central Valley Seeds, Inc.
Clearwater Seed
Columbia Seeds
dar-tech inc.
Double River Forwarding LLC
Great Basin Seed​
Gro Alliance LLC
H.M. Clause
Idaho Crop Improvement Assn.
Imperial Valley Milling
Integrated Seed Growers, LLC
Ioka Marketing LLC
Lallemand Plant Care
Limagrain Sunflowers Inc.
Magno Seed LLC
Oregon Seed Association
Premier Tech
Pure Seed
Pure Seed Testing Inc. Seed LAB
Rainier Seeds
S & S Seeds
S & S Seeds - Oregon​
Sea Shipping Line​
Seed Innovation & Protection Alliance
Seed Sales International
Seeds to the World
Seeds West
Seeds, Inc.
​SoDak Labs Inc.
Stanislaus Farm Supply
Stover Seed Co.
Top Notch Seeds, Inc.
Trical Superior Forage
Van Dyke Seed Company
Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions Inc.
Visjon Biologics, LLC
Vista Seed Partners
Washington State Crop Improvement Assn
E.E. Soderberg *
Fred W. Rohnert *
A.L. Aabling *
Terris A. Manley *
Frank Cuthbertson *
M. Dale Chipman *
Harry A. Marks *
Arthur A. Steele *
Cor Vissers *
Lloyd Arnold *
E.D. "Gene" Martin *
Chet Davenport *
James W. Jenks, Sr. *
Harry Kinder *
Sewell T. Erskine *
Roger Pirie
Archie Kroloff *
Fenn Emerson *
H.W. "Bert" Walcott *
Archie Dessert *
Wm. H. McDonald
Roger Styner
​Rusty Stark *
Elvin Simpson
Jack McGillis
James Jenks
E.E. Soderberg *
Fred W. Rohnert *
A.L. Aabling *
Terris A. Manley *
Frank Cuthbertson *
M. Dale Chipman *
Harry A. Marks *
Arthur A. Steele *
Cor Vissers *
Lloyd Arnold *
E.D. "Gene" Martin *
Chet Davenport *
James W. Jenks, Sr. *
Harry Kinder *
Sewell T. Erskine *
Roger Pirie
Archie Kroloff *
Fenn Emerson *
H.W. "Bert" Walcott *
Archie Dessert *
Roger Styner
Rusty Stark *
Elvin Simpson
Jack McGillis
James Jenks
Wm "Bill" Chaney *
Fred Clark
John Throckmorton *
Charles Green
Don Simis
Ken Sagmiller *
John Snow *
Bob Lowry
David Knutson
Stan Vetos
Howard B. Jenks *
Terry Peters
Ernest J. Pate *
Dick Peschka
Dr. E.O. Pieper *
Jess Bice
David M. Weston
Steve Tubbs
Norman MacPherson *


Pacific Seed Association
1521 "I" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: 916-441-1064
Email: donna@agamsi.com