December 4th, 2024
Willamette Valley Conditions
Turf Tall fescue acres were down. The yields offset much of the reduction and most of the 2024 crop was requested to not be cleaned until Spring of 2025.
Perennial Ryegrass acreage reductions were marginal, and yields were very good. Premium zero/zero quality Perennial was cleaned and shipped early.
Annual Ryegrass crop acres were up, and the crop came in with high yields.
Crimson harvest went well, and seed continued to ship into November. The increase in acres and the good yields resulted in a plentiful supply. Significant volumes shipped to Europe for the first time in many years.
Red and White Clover cleaning seemed delayed in some warehouses due to the large volume of annual and forage fescue cleaning. The yields on both were average to slightly below average and acres were up. Red clover also saw an increase in demand to Europe.
Washington Basin & Idaho Dryland
Tall Fescue harvest had reduced acres but above average yields for 2024. Acres have been reduced significantly for 2025.
Perennial Ryegrass acres were down slightly in 2024 and appear down slightly further for 2025. 2024 crop was average to above average yield.
Kentucky Bluegrass harvest was normal with lack of moisture and high temperatures resulting in average yields. Acres appear static from 2024.
Crop report provided by Chair of Field Seed, Crystal Cox, Integrated Seed Growers.