Join us for the 98th Annual Pacific Sees Association Convention in Tucson, Arizona!

Session Topics:
Hiring Strategies, Tools to Use, Sites to Post and How to Review Resumes by Brianna Jakosa
Irrigation Management in Drought Conditions to Maximize Crop Yields by Matt Yost, PhD
AI in Agriculture by Gabriel David Youtsey
PSA Annual Business Meeting - Field Crop Reports and AOSCA Update
ASTA Federal Legislative Report
Session Details:
Hiring Strategies, Tools to Use, Sites to Post and How to Review Resumes by Brianna Jakosa
It is no secret that attracting and retaining talent remains a top priority for business leaders and companies of all sizes. With lasting impacts on the professional landscape over the past few years, many employees are continuing to reevaluate their priorities and values, and a highly competitive talent marketplace has created both challenges and opportunities for employers. Join Brianna Jakosa as she explores the art and science of recruiting; offering valuable insights and methodologies, review of recruitment tools, and examination of interviewing and selection strategies to help leaders excel in their talent acquisition efforts.
Irrigation Management in Drought Conditions to Maximize Crop Yields by Matt Yost, PhD
Dr. Yost is a native of southern Idaho where he was raised on a dairy farm. After completing his PhD, he spent 4 years doing postdoctoral research in the U.S. Midwest. He has authored numerous journal and extension articles on research dealing with water optimization, nitrogen management, precision agriculture, soil conservation, and bioenergy crops. His research interests include: developing land management practices that promote resiliency to weather variation and changing climate. Such practices include precision management and conservation of water and other agricultural inputs, improving soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and using climate scenarios and projections as decision aids for managing climate risk.
AI in Agriculture by Gabriel David Youtsey
This year’s luncheon speaker will be Gabriel David Youtsey, Chief Innovation Officer at the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR). Gabriel will discuss AI in Agriculture. Gabriel is a business and technology leader focused on transformative innovation at the intersection of food, agriculture, environmental sustainability and technology. Able to build successful teams at every level of world-class campus, corporate, and field environments. Adept at recognizing game-changing opportunities and shaping a cohesive vision and strategy, then building uncommon collaborations and teams to achieve them. Skilled at achieving goals in complex projects with an ability to transform collective brilliance into action and successful open innovation. Talented forger of partnerships with ability to persevere and succeed in the most challenging situations.
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