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Michael Rascon, Bailey Seed and Grain, Albany, OR

Michael serves on the board of the Pacific Seed Association. He has worked with Corvallis Feed & Seed for 18 years, which became Bailey Seed & Grain in 2020. At Bailey, he is in Sales and oversees the production of the Bailey Seed & Grain Corvallis Location.

Outside of work, Michael is on the Future Ambassadors board of his local Boys and Girls club. His team helps facilitate events and fundraisers at the club, while also volunteering in many other ways.

We asked Michael a few questions about his thoughts on the Industry, his career and a few fun questions about himself on our blog at

PSA Questions

  • What’s your favorite part of being a member of PSA?

My favorite part of being a member is the relationships that you build in the industry, while staying informed, and the knowledge you gain at the annual meetings.

  • How many PSA events have you attended? What have you enjoyed about them? Favorite PSA convention location?

I have attended at least 5 PSA events. I have enjoyed every single one of them as they are all unique. But my favorite location would be Palm Springs.

  • Any tips or advice for new PSA members?

Be involved! This organization is only as good as what its members put into it. Recruit, recruit, recruit! Associations should be looked at as a value add. Build relationships, I have made some great friends through the PSA. And just have fun!!

Industry Questions

  • What do you love most about the seed industry?

Seed is the foundation of everything!! It’s so unique and its always evolving. What I think is so cool about the industry is just when we think we have found the peak, we tend to push it a little more. The technology in Ag is so fun and interesting. And most of the people you work with in Ag are genuine people. Its never going away, so I will always have a job.

  • What industry publications do you listen to, watch, or read?

I really enjoy the Farm Journal TV app. It’s a great daily broadcast.

  • What’s a quote you love about the seed industry?

I don’t know if it’s an actual quote but I always found it funny and true. My grandpa would always say, “There are no secrets in the seed industry, everyone knows everything. He said its like eating beans in church and try to keep it a secret.”

Career Questions

  • What career advice do you live by? Who gave it to you?

I was blessed to work with my parents for the first part of my career. I learned a lot from them, and I learned what not to do as well. Something I always valued about them, is they cared about the relationships they built. I saw them turn those relationships into friendships. They always would say if someone likes you, they will work with you. So build the relationship, and deliver on the service.

  • What do you/did you love the most about your job?

I love the evolution of Agriculture. The basic principles always apply, but the technology in Ag is so fun to follow. I also enjoy the people I work with.

  • What experiences and past roles have led you to where you are today?

I have learned that always wanting more isn’t always a good thing. Conquer the mountain you're on first, when you reach the top of that one, look forward to the next one. When I first started here on the production line, I would stand at the bagger for hours. I would always say to myself I can do more, why can’t I do more. As I worked my station, I was able to observe everything going on around me. When an alarm would go off, I would watch what it was for and how they fixed it. I was able to be taught indirectly by just observing my surroundings. Although standing at a bagger was tedious and boring. I learned so much about how everything worked. Now my value in the company is invaluable. I know how to work every aspect in our company. As I sell seed and manage production, I know the expectation. I can walk up to any employee and tell them, I would never ask you to do something around here that I have never done before. I can explain in detail how to execute a task. I am very thankful for how I was taught and raised. I am appreciative now that I wasn’t just handed a cush desk job.

Fun Questions

  • Do you have any hobbies?

I love to golf!! I have run sound for church since I was in HS, so now I run sound for my current church and local bands in the area. I play basketball, officiate basketball, fish, love to cook food, and

  • Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you!

I was a college basketball official. I am still currently a basketball official, but have stepped away from college. I have officiated several state tournaments and championship games. A highlight, I got to officiate the Oregon Women’s team one time when Sabrina Lonescu was playing!

  • Describe what a perfect day outside of

work would look like for you?

My perfect day would be to play golf at Bandon Dunes with a White Claw in hand. Shooting something below 80. Watch the sun touch down on the Pacific Ocean. Then have a nice steak dinner with a good old fashioned.

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